SH Jewellery giving back with i=Change

SH Jewellery
Giving back with i=Change

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SH Jewellery is proud to partner with i=Change - a unique giving platform that helps businesses weave philanthropy into everyday purchases.

i=Change represents a powerful opportunity to create new funding streams for charities that positively impact community projects around the world.

Causes We Support

Important announcement - January, 2020

We have received news from our giving partners at i=Change that all donations made towards two of our chosen charities, Foodbank and Save the Children, will be assigned directly to their respective bushfire relief efforts until further notice.

Support Refugee Mothers

Save the Children helps refugee mothers and migrant families make connections, learn language skills and develop pathways to employment while dealing with the loss and trauma associated with their homeland.

Learn more

Feed Aussies in Crisis

Food Bank helps address Australia’s hunger crisis by rescuing and sourcing food from farmers, manufacturers and retailers, and distributing it to people in need.

Learn more

Empower Survivors

HAGAR helps women and children recover and forge new lives after deeply traumatic experiences associated with slavery, human trafficking and severe abuse.

Every Cent Counts

i=Change forwards 100% of donations to development projects and does not deduct any fees from donations, nor charge NGO partners any fees to be a funding recipient.

How it works

1. Online Purchases

$10 from every online purchase made with SH Jewellery is donated to i=Change. Once your purchase is complete you will be given the opportunity to select your preferred charity after checkout.

You can also choose to make your own contribution to a charity of your choice if you wish to do so.

2. In-Store Purchases

$10 from every in-store purchase made with SH Jewellery is donated to i=Change. Donations are divided equally between our three chosen charities at the end of each month.

3. Ring Sizer Purchases

Still deciding? Our ring sizer is an excellent tool for finding the perfect fit. The full $10 from every ring sizer purchased is donated to the charity of your choice, which can be selected after the checkout stage.

"Life is much more fulfilling when we can contribute towards a cause beyond ourselves.

On a deeper level, it's in all our DNA to contribute and help others in need."

Edric Taing